Artículos en revistas arbitradas
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Aguilera, M. M., Casas, V.M., Carrillo, D. S., González, A.B. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2005. Chemical composition and microbiological assays of marine algae Enteromorpha spp. as a potential food source. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 18: 79-88.
Bonilla, C., Delgadillo, P.C., Galina, M.A., Pérez-Gil, R.F., Montaño, B.S. and Castillo, R.M. 2005. Evaluación nutrimental del queso de cabra, crudo y pasteurizado por efecto del sistema de alimentación. Biotam. Nueva Serie edición especial. 524-526.
Bugarín, J., Lemus, C., Sanginés, L., Aguirre, J., Ramos, A., Soca, M. y Arece, J. 2009. Evaluación de dos especies de Leucaena, asociadas a Brachiaria brizantha y Clitoria ternatea en un sistema silvopastoril de Nayarit, México. l. Comportamiento agronómico. Pastos y Forrajes. 32(4): 369-377.
Bugarín, J., Lemus, C., Sanginés, L., Aguirre, J., Ramos, A., Soca, M. y Arece, J. 2000. Evaluación de dos especies de Leucaena, asociadas a Brachiaria brizantha y Clitoria ternatea en un sistema silvopastoril de Nayarit, México. II. Producción y composición bromatológica de la biomasa. Pastos y Forrajes. 32(4).
Carranco, M.E., Calvo, C., Arellano, L., Pérez-Gil, R.F., Ávila E. y Fuente, B. 2003. Inclusión de la harina de cabezas de camarón Penaeus sp. en raciones para gallinas ponedoras: efecto sobre la concentración de pigmento rojo de yema y calidad de huevo. Interciencia. 28(6): 328-333.
Carranco, M.E., Castillo, R.M., Escamilla, A., Martínez, M., Pérez-Gil, R.F. and Stephan, E. 2002. Chemical composition, leaf protein extraction and amino acid profile of seven aquatic plants. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 36 (3).
Carranco, J. M.E., Sanginés, G. L., Morales, B., E., Carrillo, D. S., Ávila, G. E., Fuentes, M. B., Ramírez, P. M. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2006. Shrimp head meal in laying hen rations and its effects on fresh and stored egg quality. Interciencia. 31(11): 822-828.
Carrillo, S., López, E., Casa M., Ávila, E., Castillo, R.M., Carranco, J. M.E., Calvo, C. and Pérez-Gil R.F. 2009. Potential use of seaweeds in the laying hen ration to improve the quality of n-3 fatty acid enriched eggs. Journal of Applied Phycology. 20: 721-728.
Carrillo, D.S., Casas, V. M., Ramos, R.F. y Pérez-Gil R.F. and Sánchez, R.I. 2002. Algas marinas de Baja California Sur, México: valor nutrimental. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 52(4): 400-405.
Carrillo, D. S., Carranco, J. M.E., Castillo, D. R.M., Castro, G. M.I., Ávila, G. E. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2005. Cholesterol and n-3 and n-6 fatty acid content in eggs from laying hens fed with red crab meal (Pleuroncodes planipes). Poultry Science. 84(1): 167-172.
Casas, V. M., Hernández, C. H., Marín, Á. A., Aguila, R.N., Hernández, G. C.l., Sánchez, R. y Carrillo, D. S. 2006. EI alga marina Sargassum (Sargassaceae): una alternativa tropical para la alimentación de ganado caprino. Revista de Biología Tropical. 54(1): 83-92.
Casas, V. M., Portillo, C. G., Águila, R. N., Rodríguez, A. S. Sánchez, R. I. y Carillo, D. S. 2006. Efecto del alga marina Sargassum spp sobre las variables productivas y la concentración de colesterol en el camarón café, Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes, 1900). Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 41(1): 97-105.
Castillo, B. C., Vázquez, V. J. L., González, A. M., Morales, B., E., Castillo, D. R.M. y Carrillo, D.R.M. 2005. El aceite de atún como fuente de ácidos grasos ω-3 en el huevo de gallina. Grasas y Aceites 56. Fase. 2: 154-160.
Castro, G. M.I., Montaño, B.S. y Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2001. Ácidos grasos del atún de diferentes zonas pesqueras del Pacífico mexicano, en aceite y agua. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 51(4): 413-415.
Castro, G.M. I., Miranda, B. D. and Montaño, B. S. 2009.Evaluation of phosphorus, protein, and n-3 fatty-acid content in 15 marine fish species identifies the species most beneficial to renal patients. Journal Renal and Nutrition. 19 (6): 462-468.
Castro, G. M.I. and Méndez, A. M. 2009. Heavy metals: Implications associated to fish consumption. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 26: 263-271.
Castro, G. M.I., Ojeda, V.A., Montaño, B.S., Ledesma, C.E. y Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2007. Evaluación de los ácidos grasos n-3 de 18 especies de pescados marinos mexicanos como alimentos funcionales. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 57(1): 85-93.
Castro, G. M.I., Aurioles, G. D. y Pérez-Gil R.F. 2003. Ácidos grasos en plasma de crías de lobo marino de California (Zalophus californianus) de Los Islotes, Baja California Sur, México. Ciencias Marinas. 29(1): 9-20.
Castro, G. M.I. 2002. Ácidos grasos omega 3: beneficios y fuentes. Interciencia 27(3): 128-136.
Castro, G. M.I., Aurioles, G. D., Montaño, B. S., Pérez-Gil, R. F. and López-Orea, N. 2001. Total lipids, cholesterol and plasmatic triglycerides in California sea lion pups (Zalophus californianus). Ciencias Marinas, 27 (3): 375-396.
Castro, G. M.I., Montaño, B. S. y Pérez-Gil, R. F. 2001. Ácidos grasos en sardina en salsa de tomate de diferentes zonas pesqueras del Pacífico mexicano. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 51(4): 400-406.
Coral, H. G.N., Ytrestbyla, I.T., Ruyte, T. B. and Bjerkenga, B. 2004. Plasma appearance of unesterified astaxanthin geometrical E/Z and optical R/S isomers in men given single doses of a mixture of optical 3 and 3VR/S isomers of astaxanthin fatty acyl diesters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. 139: 99-110.
Coral, H. G.N. and Bjerkeng, B. 2002. Astaxanthin from the red crab Langostilla (Pleuroncodes planipes): optical R y S isomers and fatty acid moieties of astaxanthin esters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. 133: 152-159.
Cortés, C.A., Ávila, G.E., Casaubon, H. M.T. and Carrillo, D.S. 2000. El efecto del Bacillus toyoi sobre el comportamiento productivo en pollos de engorda. Revista Veterinaria México. 31(4) 301-308.
Cuchillo, H.M., Delgadillo P.C., Galina, M.A. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2009. Influence of semiarid summer browsing on chemical composition in goats´milk cheeses. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 4(2): 25-28.
Delgadillo, P.C., Galina, H.M., Bonilla, C.A., Cuchillo, H.M., Montaño, B.S., Castillo, D.R., Villarreal E. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2009. Effect of feeding management on the nutritional composition of Mexican artisan soft cheese made with raw or pasteurized goats’ milk. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 79(3): 321-326.
Delgadillo, P.C., Cuchillo H.M. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2009. Effect of feeding management and seasonal variation on fatty acid composition of Mexican soft raw goats' milk cheese. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 8(2): 402-404.
Delgadillo, P.C., Sanguines, G.L., Cuchillo, H.M. and Pérez-Gil R.F. 2008. Feed intake, its utilization and rumen fermentation pattern in sheep fed aquatic plant Schoenoplectus americanus. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 78 (6): 658-660.
Delgadillo, P.C., Galina, H.M, Sanginés, G.L. and Pérez-Gil R.F. 2007. Effect of Schoenoplectus americanus on ruminal fermentation and digestibility in sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 77(9): 907-911.
Delgadillo, P.C. and Galina, M.A. 2004. Ecological benefit of strip grazing with a solar mobile fence grazing system. South African Journal of Animal Science. 34(5): 89-91.
Delgadillo, P.C., Galina, H. M., Pérez-Gil, R.F., Sanginés, G. L., Aguilera, B. A. and Haenlein. 2001. Effect of a controlled-release urea supplement on rumen fermentation in sheep fed a diet of sugar cane tops (Saccharum officinarum), corn stubble (Zea mays) and King grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Small Ruminant Research. 39: 269-276.
Delgadillo, P. C., Galina, H.M., Pérez-Gil, R.F., Sanginés, G.L., Aguilera, B.A., Haenlein, G.F.W., Barajas, C.R. and Herrera, H, H.J.G. 2001. Effect of a controlled-release urea supplementation on feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and ruminal kinetics of sheep fed low quality tropical forage. Small Ruminant Research. 41(1): 9-18.
Delgadillo, P.C., Galina, M.A., Pérez-Gil, R.F, Rosado, J. y Murillo, J.C. 2001. Efecto de un alimento complejo catalítico en el pH, el amoniaco ruminal y la desaparición in situ de la materia seca en cuatro pastos. Pastos y Forrajes. 24:157-166.
Flores, M., Carmona, J., Sanguinés, L. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2005. Microbial culture on coconut meal and their effects on the productive behavior of feedlot lambs. Cuban Journal of Agricultural! Science. 39(2): 169-174.
Galina, M.A., Guerrero, M, and Delgadillo, P.C.2007. Fattening Pelibuey lambs with sugar cane tops and corn complemented with or without slow intake urea supplement. Small Ruminant Research. 70(2-3): 101-109.
Galina, M.A., Guerrero, M., Delgadillo, P.C. and Haenlein, G.F.W. 2004. Effect a slow-intake urea supplementation on growing kids fed corn stubble or alfalfa with a balanced concentrate. Small Ruminant Research. 53(1-2): 29-38.
Galina, M.A., Guerrero, M., Delgadillo, P.C. and Haenlein, G.F.W.2004. Effect of slow-intake urea supplementation on goats kids pasturing natural Mexican rangeland. Small Ruminant Research. 55(1-3): 85-95.
Galina, M.A., Osnaya, F., Cuchillo, H.M. and G.F.W. Haenlein. 2007. Cheese quality from milk of grazing or indoor fed Zebu cows and Alpine crossbred goats. Small Ruminant Research. 71 (1-3): 264-272.
Galina, M.A., Pérez-Gil, R.F., Ortiz, R.M.A., Hummel, J.D. and Orskov, R.E. 2003. Effect of slow release urea supplementation on fattening of steers fed sugar cane tops (Saccharum officinarum) and maiz (Zea mays): ruminal fermentation, feed intake and digestibility. Livestock Production Science. 83(1): 1-11.
Gutiérrez, K., Sanginés, L., Pérez, F. and Martínez, L. 2001. Studies on the potential of the aquatic plant Lemna gibba for pig feeding. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 35(4): 343-348.
Hérnandez, C. G., Carrillo, D. S., Arvizu, H. D.L., Rodríguez, M. Y.E., Murillo, Á. J.I., Muñoz, O. M. and Castillo, D. R.M. 2009. Monthly variation in the chemicaI composition of Eisenia arborea J.E. Areschoug. Journal of Applied Phycology. 21: 607-616.
Labrada, M. V., Aurioles, G. D. and Castro, G. M.I. 2007. Relation of dental ear to the concentrations of essential minerals in teeth of the California sea lion Zalophus californianus californianus. Biological Trace Element Research. 115(2): 107-126.
Long, K.Z., Rosado, J.L, Montoya, Y., Solano, M.L., Hertzmark, E., DuPont, H.L. and Santos, J.I. 2007. Effect of vitamin A and Zinc supplementation on gastrointestinal parasitic infections among mexican children. Pediatrics. 120: 846-855.
Marín, A., Casas, V., M., Carrillo, S., Hernández, H., Monroy, A., Sanginés, L. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2009.The marine algae Sargassum spp. (Sargassaceae) as feed for sheep in tropical and subtropical regions. Revista de Biolología Tropical. 57(4): 1271-1281.
Marín, A., Casa, M., Carillo, S., Hernández, H. and Monroy A. 2003. Performance of sheep fed rations with Sargassum spp. sea algae. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 37(2): 119-123.
Miñon, H. E., González, A. M.J., Huerta, B. M., Crespo, L. G., Carillo, D. S., Castillo, D. R.M., Cuca, G. J.M. y Morales, B. J.E. 2006. Niveles óptimos biológico y económico de cobre dietético en pollos de engorda. Agrociencia. 40: 163-170.
Mora, C.N., Casas, V. M., Marín, A.A., Aguila, R. R.N., Sánchez, R.I., Hernández, C. H. y Sanginés, G.L. 2009. El alga marina Macrocystis pyrifera como sumplemento alimenticio para cabras. Revista Científica. FCV-LUZ. 19(1): 1-8.
Muñoz, C. M., Chávez, A., Clavo, C. and Ledesma, J. A. 2000. Mexcaribefoods - a region of food resources with a future. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 13: 699-703.
Nahed, J., Solís, C., Grande, D., Sanguinés L., Mendoza, G., and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2003. Evaluation of the use of Buddleia skutchii tree leaves and Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) grass hay in sheep feeding. Animal Feed Science and Technology 106: 209-217.
Pardio, V.T., Landin, L.A., Waliszewski, K.N., Badillo, T.C. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2001. The effect of acidified soapstocks on feed conversion and broiler skin pigmentation. Poultry Science. 80(8): 1236-1239.
Pardío, V.T., Landín, L.A., Waliszewski, K.N., Pérez-Gil, R.F. and Hernández, B. 2005. The Effect of soybean soapstock on the quality parameters and fatty acid composition of the hen egg yolk. Poultry Science. 84(1):148-157.
Rendón, U., Carillo, S., Arellano, L. G., Casas, M.M, Pérez-Gil, R.F. and Ávila E. 2003. ChemicaI Composition of the residue of alginates (Macrocystis pyrifera) extraction. Its utilization in laying hens feeding. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 37(3): 287-293.
Rosado, J.L., Cassís, L., Solano, L. and Duarte-Vázquez M.A. 2005. Nutrient addition to corn mass flour: effect on corn flour stability, nutrient loss, acceptability of fortified corn tortillas. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 26(3):266-72.
Rosado, J.L., Rivera, J., López, G. and Solano, L. 2000. Development, production, and quality control of nutritional supplements for a national supplementation programme in Mexico. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 21(1): 30-34.
Sánchez, C.C.P., Dewey, P. J. S., Lara, J.J., Henderson, D.L., Solano, M. L. and W. Philip T. J. W. 2000. The starch and sugar content of some Mexican cereals, cereal products, pulses, snack foods, fruits and vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 13: 157-170.
Sánchez, C. C.P., Franklin, M., McNeill, G., Solano, M.L., Bonner, S., López, N., Davidson, L. and James, P. T. 2001. Are the proposed limits of energy intake: basal metabolic rate and dietary nitrogen: urinary nitrogen ratios suitable for validation of food intake? British Journal of Nutrition. 85, 725-731.
Sanginés, G.L., Nahed, T.J., Juárez, S.M.E. and Pérez-Gil R.F. 2007. In vivo and in situ digestibilities and nitrogen balance of Buddleia skutchii as a sole component and mixed with Pennisetum clandestinum in sheep diets. Small Ruminant Research 69: 129-135.
Ytrestoyl, T., Coral, H. G. N., Hatlen, B., Robb, D.H.F. and Bjerkeng B. 2004. Carotenoid and lipid content in muscle of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, transferred to seawater as 0q or 1 q smolts. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. 138: 29-40.